| 5. The Beatles: Get Back documentary directed by Peter Jackson | 10 Things in the Slow and Steady Wins the Race Time Capsule |

Slow and Steady Wins the Race
1 min readDec 30, 2021

Despite a nebulous shaped 2021, we continue to countdown and share with you some of the items and ideas we would put in our time capsule for later generations to understand. For us they straddle the very specific space of the timely with the timeless; sometimes sublimely anachronistic, fundamentally classic, and are reflective of a value system we hold true to. Time capsules are important memory tools and reminders that the past and present hold the keys to the future.

A documentary of a documentary is a compounded concept of a time capsule on its own. Director Peter Jackson re-contructs and restores hours of never before seen filmed footage of The Beatles recording ‘Let it Be’, their final studio album. Candid head tilts and shoulder lean-ins, the occasional side glance caught within the crook of an elbow, and casual jokes and wide smiles that break up some long pauses, combine to capture the members in their creative process.

Jackson says in the N.Y. Times review, “‘I wish I could go in a time machine and sit in the corner of the stage while they were working,’” he said, describing a lifelong dream like a child praying for the ultimate Christmas present. “‘Just for one day, just watch them, and I’ll be really quiet and sit there.’” “Well, guess what?” he continued. “The time machine’s here now.”

